
28th July 2003


Sorry about being so slow with my update. Time just flies when you have children. Sam is now 2 years and 9 months. Gee where has the time gone.


Sam had a review with his Cardiologist Dr Kilburn on the 16 July 2003. Heart wise Sam is really good. Although the night before he had started vomiting and diarrhoea. Being not well he was not really interested in doing any test. He was a good boy though and let me put the ECG stickers and leads on him. (he wouldn’t let the nurse touch him). Then we tried the Sats machine. (No, no go).  He soon fell asleep in my arms so we did he Sats then and they were a giant 87. I was so proud of him.

He is now over his bug and fine.


Sam goes to crèche about 3 mornings a week and just loves it. He loves being with kids. (I have taken time of from work so I sometimes stay in the office and have a cuppa and watch him while he plays) He loves the scooters. He doesn’t like it when it’s time to go. I get the puppy dog look and “Mummy I stay and play”.


In June we had a well-deserved family holiday to Brisbane. We took Jade and Sam to Sea World and to see the smiles on their faces was just priceless. The Dolphins and Polar Bears were such a big hit.


Sam is a big fan of bugs and lawn mowers. Every time his dad (Andrew) gets the lawn mower out, out comes Sam with his. It is really beautiful to watch him mow.


We have been lucky to not have Sam admitted into hospital at all since being home from Melbourne (2yrs 5mths). A few trips to Emergency with Croup and a spilt forehead requiring stitches. The stitches trip was a classic; I was home on my own with the kids getting ready to go out when I hear Sam scream. I ran out to find him head down on the pavement bleeding everywhere. I run inside to ring my girlfriend across the road to come over to see if she thought stitches or not. (I just couldn’t look) Yes was the answer. She went back home to get her car while I go inside to get his papers to take. I ask Jade who was 6yrs old to hold a face washer on his head. The next thing I know she has fainted on the floor next to him. She comes to and starts vomiting. All I said to her was “sorry sweetie I can’t deal with you now can you get a bucket” (isn’t that just terrible). 5hours later we were back home with a son with another scar to add to his collection.


Sometimes I forget he has this condition. He amazes us everyday. He is such a ratbag. (a gorgeous one) He idolizes his sister Jade. We live close to her school and when he hears the bell go (not even close to home time) he tells me “mummy sissy bell, pick her up now”. 


We take each day as it comes and treasure every moment.


Thanks for reading and visiting Sam’s page.


Deanne Jewell